Our Group

M/s Arya Biotechnologies
Organic Farm Inputs and animal feed supplements

Arya-Probio Pvt. Ltd.
Company with focus on organic animal nutrition

Avishi Biosciences Pvt. Ltd.
Company with focus on new product development and CRO

Ajanta Wellness Pvt. Ltd.
Future company for health supplements, nutraceuticals, essential oil based products

Ecologic Research Foundation
Our CSR Arm, non-profit for training, skill-development and extension
Our Registered Brands

Oldest of our brands, consists of plant-growth stimulants, soil conditioners and herbal pestrepellant product groups.

Our flagship product series consisting of bio-available mineral formulations or ‘Engineered Minerals’ which enhance several crop quality indicators

Our Brand with focus on Animal Feed Supplements

Our future brand encompassing organic cleaning and disinfectant products and also is the namesake of our non-profit company- Ecologic Research Foundation
Our product range

Our process

Our product footprint!